One Corners Honors Via Gentle Manners's image
MotivationalPoetry1 min read

One Corners Honors Via Gentle Manners

mvvenkataramanmvvenkataraman March 2, 2023
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Dress neatly,

Talk politely,

Work quietly,

Win definitely.

Allow opponent to talk,

Then, friends will flock,

Put for your tongue lock,

You will have cake-walk.

Let your contribution be more,

Watching others, try to ignore,

Your duty is to toil and score,

Don't oversleep and just snore.

Give a truthful compliment,

Better reserve your comment,

Your words must well-cement,

And strengthen every moment.

If you want to object,

Strong words, don't eject,

Your views, you project,

Clearly about the subject.

Don't just raise your voice,

Though you have the choice,

Talk without making any

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