I Plan to Prove I Surely Can's image
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Do the job that is very tough,

And prove you hold the stuff,

Time may be hard and rough,

Tell God the truth, don't bluff.

Prayer will supply Himalayan energy,

God will assist you in your strategy,

For all the mistakes, convey apology,

At no time, give room for lethargy.

One job you may finely finish,

From the scene, don't vanish,

Love for duty mustn't diminish,

Shirking of work, firmly abolish.

Respect ever the authority concerned,

Work hard for the holy money earned,

Ideas about laziness must be burned,

Proper service must be ever returned.

All the difficulties, stoically bear,

Two jobs, never at all compare,

Let the toughest job be your share,

To be true, before God, you swear.

The job may exert upon you pressure,

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