Money's Power Bends All the Knees's image
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Put an end to every extravagance,

Spend money by using intelligence,

Help poor people with benevolence,

Take the best past for remembrance.

Be neither stinking rich nor deadly poor,

Let state be neither higher nor lower,

Question your conscience like a lawyer,

Come what may, never stop a prayer.

Ever practice sacred contentment,

Put for peace a strong basement,

Learn from dwellers on the pavement,

Avoid firmly every costly experiment.

Put money carefully in a savings-box,

People will chase you like a greedy fox,

To make at your door avaricious knocks,

Deny them to give reasonable shocks.

To ask for money,

There are too many,

Like bee saving honey,

Savings make life sunny.

Earning just one single Rupee,

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