Bliss is Enlarged by Duty-Discharged's image
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If you are properly employed,

Evasion of duty, you must avoid,

Over promotion, be not annoyed,

Thank God and feel overjoyed.

Help others in your office,

Chance to help, don't miss,

That alone is absolute bliss,

To be helpful, you promise.

Control properly your mind,

Let not your words be unkind,

Give support by being behind,

True joy, in your work, you find.

Learn work in every department,

Help loyally your management,

You have got the employment,

At no time have resentment.

Always be cheerful,

In some way be useful,

Despite defeat be hopeful,

Forget not to be dutiful.

Work when you start,

Keep God in your heart,

You will excel in your art,

By listing duty, keep

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